What To Look For In A Lawn Mowing Service
Reputation: Customer reviews and testimonials are a huge influencer when choosing a firm. While you can’t trust everything that you read on the internet, a majority will provide an idea of recurring positive points or problem areas experienced by other clients.
Customer Service: Accessibility is a major selling point for potential clients. No one wants to be thrown onto a “to call” list only to be forgotten about. Any reputable company should be able to answer customer calls in a timely manner, as well as answer any questions that potential clients might have.
Equipment: It is okay to ask questions when shopping for maintenance experts! Asking how often equipment is serviced or sharpened can provide an idea of your results. For mowing in particular, dull blades can leave glass looking split or brown near the tops. If companies take care of their equipment, there is a good chance that they will take special care of your property.
Insurance: Not many property owners consider insurance as an asset but it can make a huge difference in the event of an accident. They might not seem threatening but lawn mowers are still power tools and can be dangerous. This small addition provides peace of mind to owners that they will not be held responsible if an accident may occur.
Building a Routine: For commercial or multi-unit properties, routine maintenance can prevent a lot of headaches. Organizing a schedule that works means not having to worry that your space will be overgrown.