Walmart, watermelon, and $7.5M verdict
Walmart says the display wasn't dangerous, the jury still felt that damages were appropriate. So as you can see, you can win lots of money just by going shopping. Breaking the hip was an unfortunate co-product of it, but the amount of money he won is pretty much insane.
There have been similar senseless court cases before. McDonalds has been sued for their coffee being too hot for a number of times, and now the coffee cups around the world are displaying the warning signs that the coffee is hot. Obviously, unless we are talking about the ice coffee, the coffee is hot, and you should always remember it. Not sue the company for getting burned by hot coffee.
There was also a court case where Kathleen Roberts tripped over her own toddler in a furniture store, breaking her ankle, and she managed to walk away with $780 000. If that doesn't sound crazy enough, Terrence Dickson managed to get himself locked in a garage of a house he was robbing and had to stay there over the weekend as the family was on a vacation. He got awarded half a million for his suffering.
As you can see, if you're creative, and arrogant enough, you can win money from nothing. But if you are better than that, you can just try your luck with lottery and buy powerball tickets online usa. The chances of winning the jackpot are not very high, but if you manage to do it, you're set for life. Without suing people and companies for ridiculous things. Then again, while talking about lottery, in Britain, Jane Park, a 17-year-old winner of £1million, in the beginning of this year considered legal action against lottery bosses for negligence. Why? She claims someone her age should not have been allowed to win and that the lottery win four years ago has ruined her life. We say, no, it's wasn't the lottery, it was she who managed to ruin her life. Why blame others all the time?