Don't Let Power Outages Paralyze Your Home Business
Disasters, however, do happen and a little act of God can shut down your small operation in no time. Large plants or corporations can afford expensive emergency generators but as an individual entrepreneur, you are at the mercy of nature and an ageing power grid. In case of a sudden cold spell we all can be plunged into darkness for a long period of time so, do you have a plan B to save your business from financial loss in case of a power outage?
If you manage your business from home, for example, outages can be a huge disruption, and going off the grid can give you a nice piece of mind and can set you free, both as a business and a home owner!
Solar engineering used to be highly expensive and complex, but now, with tools that can measure thin-film stress and other variables in real operation time, it's attainable to many. Think of renewable energy not only as a major home improvement but also as a very smart business investment. There's only so much you can do, but fortunately power supply is one of the things you can take control of. Now with technology on your side, you can concentrate on innovative ideas to grow your business.