How to cut your expenses? (Part 1)
Anyway, what are the small things you *could* (I'll get to the point if you actually *should* later) do to cut down on your expenses?
1. Coffee
Depending on your habits, you might be spending quite a lot of money for coffee. I for one like to start a morning by going to a cafeteria, order a coffee and sometimes a pie. I like to do that every morning before I start working. I could drink coffee at home as well, but...this doesn't sound good enough. I have a home office and I just feel I need to go out every once in a while. Sometimes I repeat that *task* later on in a day. I usually spend anywhere between €1.20 - €2.50 every morning, including weekends. Of course, during weekends my need for a morning coffee might be a results of a great hangover and take place not at 8am, but 1pm. But that's just unnecessary details.
One way or another, 1 or 2 euros at a time doesn't sound much, but if you start calculating, the total that I spend on coffee in the mornings is anywhere between €36 - €75 a month. This equals €432 - €900 a year. And that doesn't sound like that small number, does it?
Quit drinking coffee and win ... let's say €500 a year.
2. Petrol
Fortunately, I don't own a car. Well, not sure if that's really fortunate or just the result of my financial situation, but this means that I don't spend anything on petrol. I live in a good spot, close to everything I need, and don't even need to use a bus. However, I have couple of friends, who, even though they could walk to work and back, 20 minutes at a time, they use their cars instead. Petrol price is about €1.40, fuel consumption in town about 10l/100k. Driving to work and back, and probably also to lunch every once in a while probably takes about 1 liter which equals €1.40. Which again is €28/month (assuming 20 working days a month) or €336 a year.
Start walking more and win €336 a year.
3. Drinking
Now that's difficult. We all need to take the time off every once in a while and some alcohol is always good for that. I prefer to drink outside, in bars and pubs. And I like to do that often. I might not drink very much, but it's never a problem to go out 4 times a week if I have the resources available. I have rather cheap beer available here, something like €2 per pint. Let's say I drink 20 pints a week. That's €40 euros. If I didn't drink anything, I could save about €160 a month or €2240 a year.
Stop drinking and save €1440 a year.
Article Continued in Part II or How to cut your expenses.